



"CUHK MBA helped me achieve a promotion and expand my job scope with comprehensive leadership and management training. After graduation, I was promoted to a senior management position. My job scope also expanded from regional level to global level, which includes the coordination of production, merchandising, sales and marketing, and more – all because the programme has taken me to the next level."

Clara Au
MBA 2018
Deputy Head, Sustainability and Innovation Centre
Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Company Limited


"With a focus on China business context, CUHK MBA’s curriculum and student community enriched my knowledge about business in China. Through networking with peers and alumni, I familiarised myself with Chinese business culture and social etiquette that helped boost my confidence in building trust and relationships with Chinese clients."

Daniel Lee
MBA 2019
Corporate Director, CFL Account Partner, Manager of Services Experience, Teradata


「在这个创业时代,无论你打算创业,还是想给在职的传统企业带来崭新思维,港中大的 MBA 课程同样能提供适合你的课程和技能。在这里,有大量的机会运用我的创业思维,包括开展一个真正的创业项目、进行改良计划以及向投资者和风险投资家获得融资,我还代表学校赢得 了HEC Business Game 2018 战略挑战赛。」

Franklin Law
MBA 2018
Head of Marketing, Ocean Park Hong Kong


"I chose CUHK due to the breadth of its business programmes and also liked the school’s rich roots in incorporating humanity, which is the foundation of good management. The alumni network at CUHK MBA is especially strong in finance, which gives me a rich understanding in banking."

Jeffrey Ng
MBA 2012
Project Leader, Big 3 Strategy Consulting Firm


"One important aspect of the CUHK MBA was meeting all the different people in my class and most of them were professionals in large companies. They shared with me their management skills and practical knowledge, which paired wonderfully with the theories we learnt."

Steven Pun
MBA 2018
Co-Founder and CEO, Protech Group


"The entrepreneurship and innovative mindset that I learnt in the  CUHK MBA  helped me open up to all new ideas, step outside my comfort zone and start a business in a domain – logistics – which I had no previous experience in."

Vincent Fan
MBA 2010
Co-founder and CSO


"I am truly grateful to CUHK for my exceptional MBA education, especially for opening my mind and giving me practical new skills and knowledge to excel at work. Going back to school after working for some years has also been the right decision, as I came with clearer goals and a better understanding of my strengths."

Michelle Mei
MBA 2020
Chief Strategy Officer, Youibot Robotics


"I have a strong belief that I am chasing a goal that is larger than life. Such a vision drives me to move ahead. It may take quite some time to reach my destination, but I know it’s vital to get myself geared up for any ups and downs throughout this journey. Earning an MBA is a wise move. It certainly makes me sharper."

Sherman Chu
MBA 2018
Associate Director of Operations, Shenzhen Jiahong Autogroup

